Stanleybet Group teams up with Sustainable Interaction

Stanleybet Group, one of the largest gambling operators in Europe, has partnered with Sustainable Interaction to enhance employee awareness and understanding of problem gambling and safer gambling.

Stanleybet opts for the foundational Responsible gambling course, covering various aspects of problem gambling, safer gambling and legal responsibilities, and an add-on course tailored to the needs of customer service.

The initial employees undertaking the course are based in multiple European jurisdictions where the Group operates including Italy, Romania, Belgium, Cyprus, Spain and the UK. The goal is ultimately to roll out the courses to the entire organisation in the coming years.

A  warm welcome to Stanleybet – we’re looking forward to working with you!

Sustainable Interaction provides ready-made e-learning courses as well as custom designed solutions that cater to the specific needs of your organisation and staff.
Read more about our selection of courses or take advantage of our course demos and see for yourself

For more information, please reach out to Johan Brandsten at

Linnea Cederlund